We answer the question: how can a Georgian citizen obtain Russian citizenship?

What are the ways to obtain Russian citizenship for Georgia?

In an accelerated manner, migrants receive Russian citizenship if they speak Russian fluently and reside permanently on the territory of the state. Review of documents takes only three months and does not require obtaining a temporary residence permit in the country.

Citizens of Georgia can obtain Russian citizenship if:

  • were born in the USSR and received its citizenship;
  • studied at a Russian university,
  • there is evidence that the relatives are Russian citizens.

You can obtain Russian citizenship through the State Program for the Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots. This requires a little more time, 9 or 12 months, and migrants will be able to receive their document - a passport of a Russian citizen.

An application to become a Russian citizen is accepted subject to long-term permanent residence within the country for five years. A passport is issued on the basis of a residence permit.

According to the general scheme

If an emigrant wishes to obtain Russian citizenship, for this he must:

  1. Enter the country with a foreign passport or work visa. Get a migration card.
  2. Notify the Main Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your arrival on the territory of the state.
  3. Apply for a temporary residence permit. The document is authentic for three years. You must register at your place of residence within 90 days of arrival.
  4. Submit documents for a residence permit.
  5. Submit all necessary papers to obtain Russian citizenship.

To submit an application, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • live continuously in Russia for 5 years;
  • speak Russian fluently;
  • be officially employed;
  • renounce your citizenship;
  • pay the state fee.

According to a simplified scheme

Migrants from the countries of the former USSR often want to obtain citizenship in an accelerated manner. By purchasing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, they receive many advantages:

  • live freely in Russia;
  • find employment in high-paying positions;
  • participate in the elections of the President and State Duma deputies, run for civil servants;
  • receive benefits and benefits from the state;
  • be served free of charge at a clinic at your place of residence.

A simplified procedure for obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation can be completed if the applicant:

  • has at least one parent who is a citizen of Russia;
  • previously lived in the USSR, but did not receive citizenship;
  • born on the territory of the RSFSR;
  • has been officially married to a citizen of the Russian Federation for at least 3 years;
  • disabled, but has a child born on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • has a child who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, but the location of the second parent is unknown or he has been deprived of parental rights;
  • has a dependent incapacitated child - a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • studied in Russia and worked for at least three years;
  • has his own business (IP) and annual revenue is at least 10 million rubles;
  • is engaged in investing;
  • is a highly qualified certified worker;
  • speaks Russian well and has received a residence permit.

Participation in "Compatriot"

If a foreigner or stateless person applies for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation under the Compatriots Resettlement Program, he may not confirm the source of income and do not present a certificate of knowledge of the Russian language. In addition, the decision on admission to Russian citizenship is made within three months from the date of submission of the relevant application.

Grounds for obtaining Russian citizenship

Applicants who meet the requirements stated in the law can apply for Russian citizenship. There is a general and simplified procedure for obtaining a passport.

The simplified scheme applies to Georgians who:

  • are married to Russians;
  • retained the USSR passport;
  • participate in the program for the return of compatriots.

Such migrants are not subject to quotas; they are not required to wait until the end of the established period of residence on the basis of a temporary residence permit (3 years) and a residence permit (5 years).

Other applicants from Georgia will have to go through the general procedure.

Conditions for candidates for obtaining Russian citizenship on a general basis

To obtain a Russian passport, Georgian citizens must go through the following steps:

  1. Entry into the country.
  2. Registration for migration registration with the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. Receiving a temporary residence permit.
  4. Residence in the Russian Federation permanently for 3 years.
  5. Registration of residence permit.
  6. 5-year stay in the country with a residence permit.
  7. Submitting an application for citizenship.

Before submitting a set of documents for citizenship, the applicant must:

  1. Pass an exam on knowledge of the Russian language and answer questions on law and history. Based on the test results, a corresponding certificate is issued. If the applicant received his education in the USSR, he can present a diploma insert with grades.
  2. Undergo a medical examination at a certified center and provide a certificate of health and the absence of dangerous diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis, and so on.

Who can get a passport using a simplified scheme

Applicants who meet one of the requirements have the right to obtain citizenship under a simplified scheme:

  1. Meet the conditions of the “right of blood”. This applies to those who have at least one parent who has a Russian passport.
  2. They have former citizenship of the USSR and have not changed their passport from the Soviet Union to a Georgian one.
  3. Born on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. They have ancestors from Russia and documents confirming this fact.
  5. Made large investments in the Russian economy.
  6. Graduated from a Russian university and worked in the Russian Federation for 3 years.
  7. They carry out entrepreneurial activities, and the tax amount was at least 1 million rubles for three years.
  8. Participate in the state program for the resettlement of compatriots.

What documents need to be collected?

To obtain Russian citizenship, a Georgian citizen will need to prepare the following list of documentation:

  • completed application;
  • a certificate confirming the submission of documents to renounce Georgian citizenship;
  • 4 photographs, 3.5×4.5 cm;
  • a certificate stating that the applicant is officially employed;
  • 2‑NDFL income certificate;
  • certificate of passing the Russian language;
  • original passport of the applicant;
  • birth certificate;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

General procedure

If a Georgian citizen is not included in the list of beneficiaries eligible for a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship, he will have to apply for it in the general manner.

This method of obtaining citizenship includes the following steps:

  • obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;
  • acquiring the status of a permanent resident of the Russian Federation;
  • obtaining Russian citizenship.

First, a Georgian citizen enters the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of a visa. Afterwards, during the first week he must contact the Federal Migration Service for registration. And only after that the person submits a written request for the provision of a temporary residence permit.

To obtain a temporary residence permit, you must provide a document confirming the availability of a place (a rented apartment or room) to live, a certificate confirming the absence of a criminal record and a medical certificate.


The validity period of the temporary residence permit is three years without the possibility of extension.

After receiving a temporary residence permit, a Georgian citizen moves on to the next stage - obtaining a residence permit (residence permit). Documents for it should be provided twelve months after receiving the temporary residence permit. The list of documentation for obtaining a residence permit is almost similar to the list for a temporary residence permit.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of necessary documentation for obtaining Russian citizenship for a Georgian citizen:

  • a completed application for Russian citizenship (standard form);
  • four photographs of 3.5 by 4.5 format (passport format), in color;
  • photocopy of residence permit (notarized);
  • the applicant's birth certificate;
  • marriage certificate (if available);
  • education document;
  • a certificate confirming the submission of documents to renounce Georgian citizenship;
  • medical certificate of health;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state fee.
  • a certificate confirming your knowledge of the Russian language at the proper level.


The residence permit is valid for five years with the possibility of extension.

For whom will citizenship be granted under special conditions?

Article 13 of Federal Law No. 62-FZ of May 31, 2002 (as amended on July 29, 2017) “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” in paragraph 2 states that highly qualified specialists and persons with high achievements in the field of science, culture and technology, as well as citizens officially recognized as refugees can obtain Russian citizenship under a simplified scheme.

Note! Citizens of the former Soviet Union serving in military units and formations of Russia can purchase a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation without a residence permit and residence within the state for a long time.


The vast majority of Georgian citizens have the right to obtain Russian citizenship only through the standard procedure. Because of this, they are required to live for 5 years under a residence permit in Russia before submitting an application. A simplified version allows a person to bypass this stage and immediately after acquiring a residence permit, apply for Russian citizenship. Each option is worth considering.

Standard procedure

When the applicant does not belong to a preferential category entitled to a simplified procedure, it is required to go through the entire procedure along the longest path. To this end, he will have to go through the following stages in turn:

  • Temporary residence permit. Having this status, you are required to live in Russia for at least 1 year;
  • Residence permit, which requires you to live in the country for another 5 years;
  • Russian citizenship.

First of all, a citizen of Georgia needs to apply for a visa to the Russian Federation and enter the country. Then he, together with the owner of the housing where he plans to live, contact the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he registers at his place of stay. After this, you need to collect documents that are submitted along with the application for a temporary residence permit. These include a certificate of knowledge of the Russian language, a certificate from the hospital confirming the examination, and others.

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After a year of living in the country under a temporary residence permit, a Georgian citizen can apply for a residence permit. To do this, you also need to prepare a whole package of documents, starting from confirmation of income, to another certificate for knowledge of Russian, but this time at the level of a residence permit. When the corresponding status is received, you must live for another 5 years. Only after this period is it possible to apply directly for citizenship.

Simplified procedure

According to current legislation, foreigners belonging to one of the following categories have the right to take advantage of the simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship:

  • Born in the USSR and did not change their passport;
  • Have a husband or wife of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • WWII veterans who previously had USSR citizenship;
  • Incapacitated persons with children of Russian citizens;
  • A parent with an incapacitated child, a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Native speakers of the Russian language who have been documented as such;
  • Investors who have opened a legal entity with an authorized capital of 100 million rubles;
  • Highly qualified specialists.

Reference! The opportunity to quickly obtain a Russian passport, bypassing the need to obtain a temporary residence permit and residence permit, is available to those citizens of Georgia whose one of the parents has Russian citizenship, as well as permanent registration. In this case, you need to submit documents to the consulate of the country of origin.

Another option for simplified acquisition of citizenship, which allows you to bypass the stage of obtaining and living in the country with a residence permit, is participation in the “Compatriots” state program. It allows residents of Georgia to move to the Russian Federation, receiving compensation for transportation costs, as well as lifting expenses. The main limitation is that not all regions of the country participate in this program, and the best conditions are only in the Far East. You can obtain Compatriot status through the consulate without leaving Georgia. Having the appropriate documents allows you to officially find a job immediately upon arrival in the region of residence, without completing additional paperwork,


To apply for Russian citizenship, you can contact the appropriate authority:

  • Personally;
  • Through a proxy, registered by a notary;
  • Through the State Services portal.

If there are certain grounds, citizenship is issued through the consulate. In addition, the interests of the disabled, as well as minors, are represented by parents or guardians.

Required documents

In order to obtain Russian citizenship, you need to prepare a whole list of documents. These include:

  • Application of the established form, requesting Russian citizenship.
  • Educational documents (diploma issued before 91 on the territory of the USSR or certificate of knowledge of the Russian language).
  • 4 photographs taken in passport format 4.5x3.5 (necessarily on matte paper);
  • Copy + original of the applicant's national passport.
  • Certificates or statements confirming that the applicant has enough money to live in the country (2NDFL Certificate or statement of account balance, which must contain at least 12 minimum wages).
  • Residence permit, temporary residence permit, certificate of a Compatriot or other documents, based on the procedure for obtaining citizenship.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • A document confirming the official renunciation of existing Georgian citizenship. Due to the fact that the process of depriving this citizenship takes on average up to 12 months, it is enough to submit a certificate indicating the beginning of this procedure.

Attention! Documents executed in Georgian must, in addition to the originals, also have notarized translations.

Where to submit

It is possible to obtain citizenship through the consulate if this occurs for the following reasons:

  • Documents are submitted for the parent, a citizen of Russia.
  • The person lived in the USSR, but after the collapse he did not receive any new passport, therefore he is considered a stateless person.
  • A child obtains citizenship at the request of a parent.

In all other cases, regardless of the procedure for obtaining citizenship, you must contact the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the territory of Russia. In certain situations, it is permitted to submit documents through a proxy. But in this case, notarization is required, not only of the status of such a person, but also of the applicant’s signatures on all papers. In addition, everyone who wishes to obtain Russian citizenship takes an oath and also gives a written commitment to comply with the laws of the country and revoke the current citizenship.

Important! In practice, the signed document has no legal force due to its contradiction to the basic law of the country, although its preparation is considered mandatory.

Preparation and passing the exam

Foreign citizens applying for Russian citizenship or obtaining a patent are required to pass an exam. When preparing, you can use any available sources, including Internet resources.

It takes the form of a test, a written part and an oral part. Knowledge testing is carried out in five stages:

  • knowledge of grammar and vocabulary;
  • reading technique;
  • written part;
  • listening;
  • language proficiency at a conversational level.

Two standards have been added to the Russian language test: knowledge of history and legal norms.

Application for Russian citizenship for Georgia

An application for Russian citizenship for Georgia turns out to be a separate document that must be filled out in accordance with the strict rules of the migration service. Few foreigners know them, so they constantly have to face refusals when visiting the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is why you need to first seek help from specialists.

The main problem is considered to be one hundred percent literacy, because the form is filled out in Russian. However, we must not forget to confirm all the information indicated in the fields. Practice suggests that visitors to Moscow forget about this, as they prefer to follow the list provided. If you don’t want to face big troubles, you need to visit the MS-Group office. In this case, it will be possible to understand the details and submit an application with prepared certificates without much delay.

How is the exam conducted and how long does it take?

Before taking the exam, migrants must appear at the facility where the testing will be conducted. Knowledge is tested for a fee. At the Testing Center you receive a receipt form and pay for it at any bank branch.

When taking the exam you need to have with you:

  • blue pen;
  • Residence permit or migration card;
  • Identity document - photocopy and original;
  • statement.

Important! The exam lasts 3.5 hours. The applicant must be present alone, without children or other persons. Otherwise, the exam may be denied.

Testing for registration of temporary residence permit

To obtain temporary residence, foreigners undergo testing in the Russian language. In 2021, every migrant must take the test. To confirm your knowledge of the Russian language, you need to submit one of the documents to the GUVM:

  • certificate of passing the test;
  • document confirming completion of secondary general education (certificate);
  • certificate from a general education institution regarding certification (since September 1991).

For some migrants, there is a simplified exam, that is, without passing testing:

persons under 18 years of age and disabled people

  • participants of the “Compatriot” program;
  • students studying at Russian universities;
  • citizens who have reached retirement age.

Testing for obtaining a residence permit

It is mandatory to pass the residence permit exam. Anyone who wants to test their strength and knowledge can take tests online, which can be viewed on the website of the State Testing Center. This is a training option; the result will not be counted officially.

The residence permit test includes several programs

  • test of knowledge of the Russian language: ability to speak, read, write and perceive spoken language;
  • test for knowledge of Russian history of 20 questions;
  • test on the basics of legislation from 20 queries.

You need to answer 60% of the questions in each task and earn at least 300 points. Duration is 2 hours 15 minutes.

Testing for citizenship

To obtain Russian citizenship, all migrants undergo testing. It is no different from the test for a residence permit or temporary residence permit.

The test also consists of five tasks:

  • for each you need to score at least 60% correct answers;
  • 195 minutes are allotted for completion:
  • After successfully passing the test, a certificate of knowledge of the Russian language is issued.

If a migrant fails to pass the test, he can retake it or pay extra for the service separately. When there are fewer answers than required, a certificate of completion of the test with the results is issued.

Citizenship documents for Georgia

Citizenship documents for Georgia are an important step in submitting a completed application. Professional lawyers have long been ready to provide the necessary assistance in completing paperwork, so you should contact them for help. No, you can simply get a list of the necessary certificates from the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but no one will give any explanations. What documents are required to be submitted?

  • Grounds for changing citizenship;
  • Income confirmation;
  • Certificate of knowledge of the Russian language;
  • Certificate of good conduct;
  • Registration at place of residence;
  • Valid residence permit.

Which document creates the most problems? No specialist will answer this question, because in any case you will have to spend a lot of time preparing a complete package of certificates. For example, you can pay attention to the grounds for obtaining Russian citizenship. Finding them without outside help is almost impossible, since they are one of the separate points of Russian legislation.

In addition, Russian citizenship for Georgia can be obtained only after confirmation of one’s own income. When submitting documents in Moscow, you should clarify in advance how much money will be needed to officially submit the data. In reality, the process turns out to be a real problem, since the cost of living in the capital is huge. Employees of our company suggest that there is an alternative method that does not affect our own work. To do this, you will have to take an extract from your personal bank account.

Is it allowed to have dual citizenship with the Russian Federation?

Dual citizenship with Russia is allowed only with countries where there is a corresponding international treaty. In 2021, residents of Tajikistan can obtain dual citizenship. The agreement with Turkmenistan has been cancelled. A corresponding agreement has not been signed with Georgia, so dual citizenship is not possible.

Residents of Georgia have the right to obtain Russian citizenship. However, no special conditions are provided for them. They can undergo the procedure in a general or simplified manner, based on their circumstances.


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