How can citizens of Moldova obtain Russian citizenship: registration procedure

Who can apply for Russian status?

According to Russian legislation, the following persons can apply for the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation:

  • Foreigners and stateless persons;
  • Particularly distinguished and having merits to the Russian Federation;
  • Citizens of former USSR countries who served in the Russian army for at least 3 years;
  • Endowed with this opportunity by birthright.

Requirements for applicants

To obtain Russian citizenship, a Moldovan needs to live in the Russian Federation continuously for 5 years under a residence permit.

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You are allowed to travel abroad for a maximum of 90 days per year. Exceptions are persons who:

  • They have specialties that are important for Russia.
  • They have achievements in scientific, cultural, technical fields.
  • We received refugee status.
  • We received permission to stay due to political persecution in our homeland.
  • They are citizens of former Soviet republics and are currently serving under contract in the Russian Army for more than 3 years.
  • They have special services to the country.

In addition, the applicant must:

  • Give a commitment to adhere to the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • Legally provide for yourself (salary, bank deposit, alimony, etc.).
  • Speak and write in Russian at a level sufficient for communication.

When applying for citizenship, this will be determined based on the results of passing exams. Persons who received their education in the USSR before 09/01/1991 and in the Russian Federation after this date are exempt from them. Elderly people (women over 60, men over 65), disabled people of group 1 and incapacitated people also may not take exams on knowledge of the Russian language and laws of the Russian Federation.

Grounds for obtaining citizenship for citizens of Moldova

The full list of requirements for obtaining a Russian passport is regulated by Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”. Thus, the norm stipulates that this right can be obtained in the following cases:

  1. By birthright if:
  • At least one of the parents has Russian citizenship;
  • One of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation. The other, in turn, has no citizenship;
  • At least one of the parents has citizenship of another country, which cannot provide the child with its citizenship (if the child was born in the Russian Federation);
  • In case of absence of the child’s parents in Russia, as well as lack of data about them, for six months.
  1. As a result of acquiring this status (naturalization);
  2. By restoration, if a foreigner or stateless person previously had Russian citizenship. In this case, the period of stay in the Russian Federation is reduced from five to three years.

Methods of obtaining

A Moldovan citizen can acquire civil status in Russia using the following methods:

  1. Naturalization.
  2. Participation in the state program “Compatriots”.
  3. Obtaining refugee status.

Moldovan migrants who:

  • were born in the Russian Federation, but refused to become its residents;
  • born into a Russian family;
  • lived in Russia for a five-year period.

To acquire citizenship you need:

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  • have excellent command of the official language of Russia;
  • have a regular income;
  • know the main laws and history of the Russian Federation;
  • be of age.

The state program “Compatriots” began operating in 2013. Moldovan citizens born in Russia or in a family of Russians can take part in it. In addition, immigrants from USSR states have the right to participate in the state program. Moldova was included in the Soviet Union for forty-seven years.

Those participating in the state program must know the state language of Russia at a high level and have a specialized secondary or higher education.

Participation in the state program is proven by a special document, which can be obtained from the branch of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues or from the Russian diplomatic mission. You will need a Moldovan passport, as well as papers that confirm qualifications and work experience.

The state program “Compatriots” gives Moldovans the opportunity to:

  1. Get a temporary residence permit without quotas. Every year the government apparatus determines a set number of temporary residence permits that the migration service can provide to foreign citizens. If a Moldovan has a document as a participant in the state program, he acquires a temporary residence permit outside the quota . This is a big plus, since it is the temporary residence permit that is considered the initial document on the way to obtaining civil status in Russia.
  2. Use the accelerated procedure for obtaining a residence permit.
  3. Import personal property without paying duty at customs.

In addition, this year, payments of certain amounts were introduced for participants in the Compatriots program. This was done because the government is interested in returning its former residents to their homeland.

What are the requirements for applicants for Russian citizenship on a general basis?

The general procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship is regulated by Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” and provides for the following requirements:

  • At least five years of residence in the Russian Federation from the date of issuance of the residence permit;
  • Agreement to adhere to the laws of the Russian Federation;
  • Constant legal income;
  • Renunciation of previous citizenship;
  • Knowledge of Russian (you must obtain the appropriate certificate).

Who is eligible to receive status under a simplified scheme

Obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner is regulated by Article 14 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”, which allows you to obtain the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation after 3 years of residence in the Russian Federation. Carrying the following conditions:

  • One of the parents has the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation and also lives in Russia;
  • The person was born in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic;
  • Marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation, which lasts from three years;
  • Disability, in the presence of adult children who are citizens of Russia;
  • The presence of a child who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, in the event of the death of another parent who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, recognition of him as missing, incompetent or deprived of parental rights;
  • On the territory of the Russian Federation, after 01.06.2002, a professional education was received and labor activity has been carried out for at least three years;
  • Conducting a business for at least three years, and during this time the amount of taxes paid to the budget should not be less than one million rubles;
  • Work as a qualified specialist for at least three years.

Acquisition process

Many people wonder how to get a second citizenship? After all, the registration process is not publicized anywhere, and government agencies cannot answer the question at all. The acquisition process can be either on the territory of Russia through a consulate or on the territory of a new country.

To receive it, you must provide a certain package of documents and an application in the established form. After this, wait up to 2 weeks and obtain the appropriate temporary permit. Moreover, upon arrival he must register with the migration service.

After a year of residence, he has the right to extend the document and obtain permanent residence. It will also allow you to live in the territory and already enjoy all rights, except participation in elections. After a certain time has passed - and for each country this is its own period - you can acquire citizenship.

What documents need to be collected

According to the requirements of Presidential Decree No. 1325 of the Russian Federation, the immigration process begins immediately after a citizen of Moldova submits the appropriate application to the migration authorities of the Russian Federation or to the diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation, which are located on the territory of another state. The standard package of required documents contains:

  • Statement of the established form in two copies;
  • 3 photographs (3x4 cm);
  • Passport photo (4 copies);
  • Certificate of birth, marriage registration or divorce;
  • A certificate confirming the applicant’s source of income;
  • Confirmation of knowledge of the Russian language (Certificate);
  • Confirmation of payment of state duty (receipt).

In some cases, documents confirming Russian education, written consent of the child, and residence permit may be additionally submitted.

Important! All submitted documents must be completed in Russian; if they are completed in a foreign language, they must be translated and certified by a notary.

List of documents required when applying for a residence permit

What to do and how to obtain a residence permit in Russia for a citizen of Moldova - we will consider in detail.

The first step will be to fill out an application and at the same time a residence permit application form. Such a document is a form on three sheets, typed in relatively small font. Personal data should be included in the application and at the same time errors, corrections, additions should be avoided; abbreviations, omissions and deletions are unacceptable.

Please note that when writing a new line, you should calculate the text to be entered so that it completely fits into this line. Otherwise, you will need to draw up a special list of additions, with completely different requirements. Please write legibly, so it is recommended to use block letters. Ink color – black (blue allowed).

You can obtain the original form from the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If even the slightest mistake was made when filling out the form, you will have to start filling it out again.

List of documents:

  • passport and necessarily its translation certified by a notary;
  • photographs in accordance with the requirements (matte, size 3.5x4.5 cm, 4 pieces);
  • a certificate confirming that the applicant is financially independent;
  • a document confirming the availability of a place of residence (certificate of purchased property in the country or registration at the place of residence: temporary or permanent).
  • a medical certificate confirming the absence of various types of diseases that are extremely dangerous to others;
  • TIN is required;
  • a special certificate confirming knowledge of the state language, plus the history of the state and general legal knowledge;
  • envelopes with stamps for Russia (4 pcs.);
  • “Case” folder is required (1 pc.);
  • receipt confirming payment of state duty (approximately 3,500 rubles).

You can add (they won’t be superfluous) a few more documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • You can have a work book (especially if there are records of work in a given country);
  • sometimes a diploma (even better, a certificate) of education;
  • sometimes they require a marriage (divorce) certificate;
  • information about your close relatives: parents, husband (wife), children, brother, sister;
  • if available, then evidence of the presence of direct relatives among the nationals of the country.

Is there any way to speed up the process?

Russian legislation also reflects other possibilities to speed up the procedure for obtaining the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation, except for those provided for by the simplified procedure. Thus, you can obtain citizenship within one year in the following cases:

  • High achievements in the field of science, culture and technology;
  • The applicant is a refugee;
  • The applicant needs political asylum.

In addition, the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on National Affairs supported bill No. 69201-7 on amending the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” in relation to native speakers of the Russian language.

This bill provides for simplification of the procedure for obtaining citizenship for those foreign citizens or stateless persons who were born on the territory of the Russian Federation, the USSR or are descendants of those born in the Russian Empire. In addition, the bill provides for the possibility of obtaining citizenship without documenting the renunciation of current citizenship.

Can they refuse to receive it?

According to Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation,” applications for the issuance of Russian citizenship are not subject to satisfaction if the applicant for Russian citizenship who submitted the application:

  • In any way expresses a desire to overthrow the current constitutional order of Russia or otherwise threatens the national security of the country;
  • Participated in armed conflicts against the Russian Armed Forces or peacekeeping forces, carried out terrorist acts and attacks, committed actions that had signs of extremist activity;
  • Has restrictions on entry into Russia;
  • When submitting documents, you knowingly used false information;
  • Works in law enforcement agencies, security agencies, or is a member of the military of another country;
  • Has a criminal record (unexpunged and unexpunged);
  • In the event that a person refuses to take the Oath of the Russian Federation.

Dual citizenship Russia-Moldova

This issue is regulated by Art. 6 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”, which says that a citizen of the Russian Federation who has citizenship of another country is considered only as a Russian citizen. The exception is international agreements between the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. Since there is no such agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova, dual citizenship is excluded in this case.

Important! If a citizen of the Russian Federation also has a second citizenship, he is obliged to notify the migration service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation about this within two months. In case of failure to comply with the prescribed requirements, the law provides for liability, both administrative and criminal.

Methods for acquiring Russian citizenship

Citizens of Moldova who decide to move to Russia for permanent residence can use one of the options for obtaining a passport.

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This method of obtaining a Russian passport is based on the voluntary desire of the applicant and his fulfillment of several conditions. According to Russian legislation, naturalization in general will take about 6 years. This period includes official stay in Russia with a temporary residence permit for a period of 1 year and with a residence permit for 5 years.

If a visitor from Moldova falls into the category of persons for whom a simplified procedure is used, he can become a full citizen of the Russian Federation in 3 years.

On a universal basis

According to Russian law, foreigners must have documents allowing them to live in the country legally. In order to apply for citizenship status, you must first:

  • Obtain a temporary residence permit (TRP). You can skip this step:
  1. Highly qualified specialists invited to work under a contract.
  2. Native speakers of Russian.
  3. Belarusians.
  4. Refugees and people granted political asylum.
  • Six months after the temporary residence permit, you need to collect a package of papers and submit it to purchase a residence permit (RP). The application will be reviewed within 6 months, so by the time the temporary residence permit expires, a new permit will be issued.
  • After 5 years, you can take the documents to the authorized body for citizenship.

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Simplified diagram

In this case, obtaining a passport will require a significantly shorter period than on a general basis. Even the decision to grant citizenship is made in just six months.

Moldovans in Russia can count on a simplified procedure if they:

  • Once possessed a passport of the Soviet Union and have not yet acquired another. For people with this situation, it is possible to submit an application to the Russian embassy or consulate in the country where they are currently located.
  • They have a Russian parent who is provided with their own housing.
  • Immigrants from the former republics of the USSR, born in the RSFSR.
  • Registered marriages with citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • The father or mother of a Russian who is unable to work and provide for themselves.
  • Parents of young children whose second is a citizen of Russia, but at the same time he: lost his rights to his son / daughter, was declared incompetent, disappeared, died.
  • They completed their studies at the state muses after 07/01/2002 and worked for more than 3 years in their profession in the Russian Federation.
  • They invested 10 million rubles in the Russian economy or paid tax and insurance contributions in the amount of 6 million rubles.
  • Individual entrepreneurs with revenue from 10 million rubles. in year.
  • Work for more than 36 months in the professions mentioned in Article No. 14 of Federal Law No. FZ-62.
  • They are native speakers of Russian and permanently live in the Russian Federation.

How to properly obtain a work permit in the Russian Federation for foreigners

For citizens of the PMR

Foreigners with passports of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR) must provide the following documents to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation:

  1. Application in Russian.
  2. Marriage registration certificate (if available) and passport of the husband/wife.
  3. Residence permit.
  4. Confirmation of payment of state duty.
  5. Certificate of registration.
  6. 3 photos 3x4 cm.
  7. Document confirming the availability of permanent income.
  8. Certificate of passing the Russian language exam.
  9. Temporary residence permit.

The temporary residence permit is issued in the form of a stamp, which is affixed to the national Moldovan passport. It gives you the opportunity to stay in Russia for 3 years or until you receive a residence permit, and gives you the right to move around the country, travel outside its borders and return back without hindrance. With this permit you can officially find a job.

Based on the temporary residence permit, foreigners have the right to obtain a residence permit. You must apply for it 6 months before the expiration of your temporary residence permit.

Moldovans who have a temporary residence permit have the following responsibilities:

  • Strictly comply with the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • Do not change your place of residence at your own request.
  • Do not travel outside the Russian Federation for more than 6 months.
  • Carry out work or have a permanent legal income.
  • Send notifications of residence in the Russian Federation annually, within two months from the date of receipt of the next permit.
  • Register for tax purposes.

To purchase a temporary residence permit, citizens of Moldova need to submit an application for a temporary residence permit to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at their place of residence. As a rule, the review process takes no more than 60 days.

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