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Step-by-step instructions on how to make a passport for a child if he is 2 years old
Even if your little one is very small or already a teenager for a tour to foreign countries
What does a temporary residence permit give to a citizen of Georgia? A foreign citizen can stay on the territory of Russia for a period of time
First Schengen on your own: my experience of obtaining
Schengen multiple visa Long-term Schengen for Russians starts with a single entry. Get a multiple visa without having to pay
Personal income tax (NDFL)
Taxation of Ukrainian Citizens in Russia in 2021
General requirements for the employment of Ukrainians In order to register in the OPS system
FMS news for residents of Donbass 2021
A real salvation was the ability to extend the time of stay without leaving - “for combat reasons,” as they say
Collection and submission of documents for residence in Belarus
Who and how will be able to get from Belarus to the Russian Federation after the border is closed?
Life outside Russia According to the legislation of Belarus, its citizens can have only one citizenship,
Visa to Tunisia
Rules for entering Tunisia in 2021
2 comments2 answers to questions Tours for May around the world Last minute tours around
Registration and receipt of temporary residence permits for Armenians
Is it necessary to issue a temporary residence permit for citizens of Armenia? Citizens of Armenia, like all foreigners who arrive
Luxembourg: Russians need a standard Schengen visa to travel to the duchy
Visa to Luxembourg for Russians Documents for a visa to Luxembourg Rules for entry to Luxembourg
Why is Papa Antoine dangerous?
For most Russian women, the problem of “where to give birth” is not one: they give birth at home, in
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