Top 5 countries that welcome immigrants

Countries of immigrants: where and from where the most people migrate

immigrant flows

Migration flows are steadily growing. According to the UN, this trend has become active over the past decades. Thus, the share of immigrants in 1990 was 2.9% of the world population, and 55 years ago, in 1965, it was 2.3%. There is every reason to believe that the rate of increase in the share of immigrants will increase rapidly over the next 10 years.

In 2021, there were 258 million immigrants worldwide, representing approximately 3.4% of the global population. Nowadays, the vast majority of people live in the country of their birth. But that's it for now. The situation is changing quickly.

According to a Gallup sociological study conducted in 2021, 15% of the world's population - i.e. more than 750 million people would like to migrate if they had the opportunity.

A characteristic feature of modern times compared to what it was a century ago is the change in migration flows between North and South. Nowadays, a significant proportion of international migrants come from southern countries.

International population migration by region of the world

Based on UN data for 2021, modern migrants can be divided into four large groups:

— “South-North” migrants, born in the South, who live in the North (89 million people);

— “South-South” migrants, who migrated from one southern country to another (97 million people);

— “North-North” migrants who migrated from one northern country to another (57 million people);

- North-South migrants - those who were born in the North and migrated to the South (14 million people).

It is characteristic that the last group (North-South) was dominant a hundred years ago, but today it is significantly smaller than all the others. At the same time, despite their scale, especially in Europe, the new flows of migrants that have arisen since 2015 as a result of conflicts in the Middle East have not significantly changed the global picture of international migration.

The most desirable destinations for international migration: countries where people immigrate the most

The most desirable destination for immigration remains the United States: 21% of those wishing to move there, or 158 million people, would like to move there. Canada ranks second: 6% and 47 million; third - Germany: approximately 6% and 42 million, respectively.

most desirable countries for potential immigrants

Top 10 most popular destinations for potential migrants

The USA is the most popular destination not only for potential immigration. The United States also ranks first in the world in terms of the number of immigrants (in fact): 48.2 million or 15.1% of the US population (according to UN data for 2021). Second place - Russia: 11.6 million or 8.1% of the population; third - Saudi Arabia: 10.8 million and 34.1%, respectively.

top 15 countries by number of immigrants

Top 15 countries with the largest number of immigrants in their population

Moreover, if the European Union could be considered one country, then the lead in the number of immigrants would most likely go to it. After all, if we add up the number of immigrants from only 5 countries included in the top 15 (Germany, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy), we get 38.2 million born abroad and permanently residing in this country.

At the same time, one should take into account the fact that the final figures could change in the other direction due to the fact that when considering the European Union as one country, people who moved from Germany to France, for example, would not be considered immigrants, i.e. they would remain residents of a single state.

In terms of the proportion of immigrants in the population structure, the United Arab Emirates stands out. According to the UN, 87.3% of the inhabitants of this country were born abroad. They are followed by Saudi Arabia (34.1%), Switzerland (29.0%), Australia (28.2%), Canada (21.0%). In other countries, the share of immigrants is less than 20% of the population.

Main donors of international migration: countries from which the most people emigrate

India is the largest contributor to international migration: 15.9 million people born in India now live in other countries. The second place in emigration is Mexico (12.5 million), the third is Russia (10.4 million).

top 15 immigrant supplying countries

Top 15 Countries Producing the Largest Number of Expats Moving to Other Countries

The situation with the influx and outflow of the population of Ukraine is interesting. For example, Ukraine ranks 13th in the world in terms of the number of immigrants (that is, people permanently residing in Ukraine but born abroad). This is 4.9 million people or 11% of its population, according to UN data for 2021.

At the same time, Ukraine ranks 8th in the world in terms of the number of emigrants, that is, people who were born in Ukraine, but left the country and are now living abroad. This is 5.8 million people or 13.1% of the population of Ukraine (according to UN data for 2015).

The trend currently observed in Ukrainian demography is gradually taking on the characteristics of a catastrophe. Representatives of the most skilled labor are increasingly deciding to leave the country in large numbers (read more here: Ukraine is rapidly losing its workforce - Bloomberg).

Another interesting fact is that, as a percentage of the population, Ukraine ranks fourth (among the top 15 countries in terms of emigration in absolute terms). Of those born in these countries, only Syria (33.3%), Kazakhstan (22.0%) and Afghanistan (14.4%) lost a large share of their population.

Roman Komyza

02.06.2019 (updated 16.19.2019)

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What influences the choice of country

Before starting the emigration process, there are many aspects to carefully consider. On the one hand, the possibility of return almost always remains; on the other hand, it promises serious losses and not only financial ones. Aspects influencing the choice of country include:

  1. Are there ways of legal emigration, is this permissible under bilateral agreements between Russia and another country;
  2. How loyal the local authorities are to the displaced, what kind of checks will need to be completed;
  3. Is it possible to officially find a job or engage in entrepreneurial activity;
  4. Is it possible to obtain a residence permit and citizenship after a while?
  5. Is it permissible for a family to move if the person stays legally in the state and has a source of income;
  6. How do the local population perceive migrants, is there any genocide of migrants;
  7. Level of proficiency in the national language and development of the Russian diaspora;
  8. Climatic conditions;
  9. Cultural characteristics of the region, in particular religion, traditions and customs.

Each of the points presented above should be carefully examined regarding the preferred country for emigration. There will be difficulties when moving in any case, but if it is possible to reduce their number, it is worth doing so.

Healthy! When moving to another country for permanent residence, a person is always guided by four aspects: reasons for migration, preferences, qualifications and marital status.

Rating of the best countries for emigration

The criteria by which you should choose a country for emigration have already been indicated above. Now it’s worth exploring what advantages a number of states have. Based on this list, you can choose the most interesting destination for yourself and your family.


To emigrate to Australia, you can take part in a competition.
To win, you need to score a certain number of points; experts evaluate a whole range of indicators from education and work experience to the number of children. The obvious disadvantage is the distance from the Russian Federation. Read also: Emigration to Germany from Russia


Canada has many opportunities for professionals, as well as workers willing to work in northern conditions. Obtaining a residence permit and citizenship is not so easy, but all standard schemes work - marriage, having a child, buying real estate.


Many Russians underestimate Slovakia, despite the fact that there are fewer historical monuments there, the standard of living in the state is high.
According to the life satisfaction index, it ranks forty, which is a high indicator. Many social services there are free, and learning the language is easy. It also belongs to the Schengen zone, which makes it possible to travel almost throughout Europe. However, to obtain citizenship you will need to wait at least ten years.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a small country in the Caribbean.
Russians know it as a vacation spot, and quite an expensive one at that. As for emigration to the country, there are a number of advantages: a stable economy, a comfortable climate, a visa-free regime with many countries. However, the standard of living is low, in contrast to crime. You can become a citizen either by depositing one hundred thousand dollars, or by purchasing real estate for two hundred thousand dollars.


Sweden has a very powerful social policy; the country is rightfully considered one of the most reliable. Largely because of this, the requirements for migrants are very strict; even marriage with a local resident will not guarantee citizenship.


For many years, Thailand has attracted wealthy Russians in the winter. Today, everyone who is able to conduct business remotely is moving there. Real estate in this southern country is quite cheap, as are food and transport. In general, you can live well there on the average salary in Moscow. Let us note that it is difficult to work there, so it is worth considering a direction provided that you have a passive or remote source of income.


Argentines highly value the entrepreneurial spirit in people, so they have created a number of programs that provide assistance to migrants in business development. Promotion is given up to six months, during which time they provide housing. With such a program, you can not only evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of living in Argentina, but also gain a foothold in the South American region.


The easiest way to gain a foothold in Montenegro is to purchase real estate. Hundreds, if not thousands of Russians have already taken advantage of this opportunity. The mild climate but weak economy make the country attractive for a summer holiday rather than for permanent living.


The Czech economy is largely built on tourism, so the authorities are happy to welcome specialists from those areas where there are drawdowns.
For example, IT specialists are in great demand. Knowledge of languages ​​is required, at least English, but better than Czech or Polish. One of the ways to obtain citizenship is by having a child. Parents are automatically granted citizenship if the baby was born on the territory of the country, and the parents at that moment lived there officially - on a long-term visa or with a residence permit.


Vanuatu is another paradise that is little known and popular among Russians who want to leave the country. In fact, you do not need a visa to visit, but to become a citizen you must live on the island for ten years. The disadvantage is the lack of direct flights between states.


Bulgaria is attractive for moving to old age. It is difficult for a migrant to find a job in the country, and it is completely impossible to open a business. This is difficult even for local residents. However, the tranquility, good standard of living and climate attract Russians here too. It is recommended to consider a country if there is a source of income that does not require presence.


Ireland is interesting for its nature, however, it is difficult to call the climate attractive.
Along with this, the state is sparsely populated, but with a developing economy, so investors and specialists are valued. To obtain a residence permit, it is enough to live for five years and purchase real estate, which is faster and easier than in many other countries with similar characteristics. Read also: Obtaining Russian citizenship by parents


Japanese culture and economy attracts millions of people around the world. But before you give in to emotions and pack your bags, you should understand several important aspects. Firstly, the Japanese are conservative and do not like immigrants. Secondly, it is a very expensive country, especially in terms of real estate and food. Thirdly, we must accept and understand the traditions of the inhabitants of the East, which is not always easy for Europeans and Russians.


A high standard of living, a good climate, and a developed economy are not a complete list of the advantages of Singapore as a country for emigration. It is important to understand that these aspects are realized and calculated by millions of people around the world, so the struggle for high-paying jobs there is high. It is worthwhile to find ways to generate income in the country in advance and then plan to move, since the state does not require low-skilled labor at all.


Iceland has a mild climate, a laid-back lifestyle, but a very high level of education, so it's worth considering moving at a young age to pursue a degree.


Austria is one of the most developed countries in Europe, which offers both local residents and migrants a high level of social security. Let us note that this is a very expensive country, so you need to save money in advance in order to have time to gain a foothold and get into the category of marginalized people.

Attractive regions to live

Above is a list of countries with a brief description; below we will study a number of other states that have a number of advantages for emigration. Every year, a list of states is compiled that provide a quality lifestyle not only to the indigenous population, but also to immigrants. It is worth paying priority attention to such states. Let's look at several examples of such countries on a regional basis.


North and South America are located far from Russia, which complicates the process of moving; at the same time, many citizens of our country strive to move to this region.
The best option is the northernmost state. Canada is a country with a stable economy; local authorities have a favorable attitude towards entrepreneurs and highly qualified specialists. As for the United States of America, despite the existing opinion about the negative attitude of local residents towards Russians, people from Russia are treated favorably there.

The South American continent is interesting for its culture and climate, but the unstable political situation makes even the developed countries of the region unattractive.


Many Russians live in European countries; the closer the country is to our border, and the further south it is, the more often you can hear Russian speech. This is due to proximity and climate. According to the world ranking, the most attractive European countries for Russians are:

  1. Norway has one of the highest standards of living in the world, with many social programs ranging from free healthcare to large benefits for the unemployed. The disadvantage is the climate, however, for Russians it is more than familiar;
  2. Switzerland has a high standard of living, a mild climate, developed infrastructure - in fact, it has everything. Because of this, moving to this European country is problematic. The authorities have set a limit on migrants. As for the Russians, the Swiss are ready to accept investors and big businessmen, but ordinary workers are better off choosing another country.

The southern countries of Europe are not very attractive from an economic point of view or from the point of view of accepting migrants. This is largely due to the large influx of people from Central Asia. However, the climate there is very good, and therefore there is a flow of Russians there who do not need a source of income.

Healthy! Having received a residence permit in one of the countries of the Schengen zone, a person receives the right to move around other countries. Because of this fact, Europeans are very attentive to the issue of issuing residence permits.


Asia is conservative and does not accept immigrants well.
This is largely due to the overpopulation of the region, where the birth rate is highest. If you single out any country, then preference should be given to Oceania. New Zealand - unique natural and climatic conditions make life very comfortable. However, getting there is easy only for those who have a specialty that is interesting to the state. Read also: How to obtain a TIN for a foreign citizen

As for China, Japan and other developed countries, you have to fight for the right to live there, and money doesn’t always decide. It is important to gain the trust of local residents and demonstrate a high level of business ethics.

Asian countries

Countries for immigration from Russia are assessed according to different criteria, but it is worth paying attention to those that are preferred by the majority of residents of Eastern Europe and where diasporas exist. In particular, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand are becoming a new destination for people leaving Russia. Despite their exoticism and different mentalities, immigrants willingly move there for permanent residence.

Moving to the Philippines is considered one of the easiest, since you can live here for two years without opening a special visa. You only need to initially have a tourist visa. After the two-year period has expired, you need to leave, and then after six months you can return again. Another way to establish a strong foothold in the Philippines is to participate in a pension program aimed at financially independent citizens.

But there are some nuances associated with such a pension. The applicant must be at least 35 years old, and also deposit about 20 thousand dollars into a bank account - for single migrants, or 50 thousand if there is a family. This is how a person receives a residence permit, and after 10 years - citizenship.

In Malaysia, it is generally unrealistic to obtain citizenship, but on the basis of long-term multiple-entry visas you can live for a very long time. To move, you need to find a job, especially since there are not enough specialists here. Qualified workers will very quickly be able to get a job in one field or another.

Similar to the Philippine pension program is “Malaysia is my second home”, which is constantly used by Europeans and Chinese. In order to use this program, you will need to open a bank account and transfer about 100 thousand dollars there. For pensioners this amount is halved.

At the same time, you need to show your income level every month. Based on this, migration services readily issue a visa for 10 years. Money deposited in the account can be withdrawn only after a year, and only in order to obtain medical insurance, pay for treatment or study, or buy real estate.

The disadvantages of living in Malaysia include an expensive standard of living, but it is lower than in Russian cities.

To move, you need to know English, which is used in government agencies, shops, and everyday life.

Russians move to Thailand to live mainly in the winter.
But convenience, comfort, and a high standard of living began to attract tourists, so they buy houses here, open travel companies, and establish other types of business activities. In order to stay for a long time, you can enroll in one of the schools to study the language. This is the basis for opening long-term visas.
People over 50 years of age benefit from a pension scheme. Wealthier people have the opportunity to participate in the Thai Elite program, which allows them to obtain visas for 5 years. To do this, it costs 2 million baht, for which a person receives many bonuses that include VIP service. There is also a lighter version of the program, where bonuses are not provided, but a visa for 5 years is issued for 500 thousand baht.

Many people, moving to Thailand, continue their lives here as if on an endless vacation.

You can only get a well-paid job in the capital of the state; everything else is the service sector, where people are recruited without special qualifications or work experience.

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