“Coronavirus has settled in megacities.” “Scientists: Kazakh science is more dead than alive.” “The United States, with the help of nationalists, is trying to tear Kazakhstan away from Russia.” “Drain of brains and hands from the country:

Every year, thousands of citizens of Kazakhstan choose the United States as their new country of residence. People apply for political asylum in the hope of a quiet life. As in other states of the former USSR, in Kazakhstan there are frequent cases of infringement of the rights and freedoms of residents. The country's permanent leader, Nursultan Nazarbayev, has ruled the independent republic authoritarianly for 25 years. The results of the presidential elections are falsified, the election procedure does not comply with international standards, and foreign experts are not allowed to observe. The situation in the country remains tense.

Grounds for granting political asylum in the United States to citizens of Kazakhstan

The grounds for granting asylum may be different, but for Kazakhstanis the most relevant are three groups.

  1. Political views and beliefs

Most of the petitioners from Kazakhstan are representatives of the opposition to the existing government. Many who protested and held rallies against the anti-democratic regime were taken into custody. People with views contrary to official government policy had no choice but to apply for political asylum.

  1. Ethnicity

Legal problems in Kazakhstan affect not only political oppositionists and activists, but also people of other races and religions.

The government builds its line of government on national motives. People who have other ethnic roots are not hired for highly paid positions and are forced to study and work in the Kazakh language, despite the fact that this is not stipulated in the legislation. The rights of women and children are violated due to the fact that they are of non-Kazakh nationality.

It is difficult for non-indigenous residents to develop business after the collapse of the USSR. The government and surrounding government structures are trying to control markets, production and the activities of individual entrepreneurs.

  1. Religion

Despite the fact that Kazakhstan is officially a secular state, people who profess a religion other than Islam are oppressed there.

All over the world, Nazarbayev’s policy causes condemnation and rejection. Citizens of Kazakhstan are asking for political asylum in other countries.

What you may encounter during emigration

People go to other countries for a better life, to gain new knowledge or skills (language, education, work experience in another market), new experiences, or just to see the world. Of course, these goals may overlap, and that's okay. But my experience—and the experience of several hundred of my friends and acquaintances—tells me that to avoid disappointment, it’s better to start by “seeing the world” and then move on.

I initially wanted to know how life is in another culture. I was working at McKinsey and at the height of the last financial crisis in 2015 I decided to transfer to the US office.

There were too many consultants, there weren’t enough projects for everyone, this happened not only in McKinsey, but also in other consulting companies. People traveled all over the world: for example, to Australia, New Zealand or the United Arab Emirates. I chose the USA because I have long wanted to pursue my own projects.

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While working in America, I began to realize that I could gain new professional experience here. In Moscow, for example, it is impossible to participate in a $100 billion M&A deal (unless Russia buys Belarus), but in the USA it is easy.

I’ll tell you about the main features of the move that I encountered.


In addition to positive things - such as a high standard of living, new friends and skills - the life of an emigrant is filled with difficulties and even disappointments.

For example, it’s hard to get used to how much it costs to live in the States: despite high incomes, almost half goes to taxes, and another third goes to food.

You will have to get used to the fact that, most likely, your social capital in another country will be practically zero, and your status (including property status) will go down one step: moving from the rich people of your country to the middle class of the target state is the norm.

Different mentality

This seems interesting only at first glance, but in reality, seemingly small differences result in almost daily problems and misunderstandings. At first, you will regularly experience culture shock.

For example, it is not customary to say everything directly, so words of approval for your work may hide dissatisfaction or even impending dismissal.

You will need to learn to read between the lines, delve into the intricacies of culture and find the root causes of certain words and actions.

Everyday problems

In a new country, it suddenly turns out that you are absolutely helpless in everyday matters. Therefore, you will have to learn to live in the adult world again.

For example, in Moscow almost everything works 24/7, but in the States - especially if it is not New York - cities die out at six to eight in the evening. Even washing clothes will be a problem at first: there is most likely no washing machine in the apartment, and you need to get used to the practice of carrying things to the laundry on time.

The inability to drink tap water outside the United States and several other countries around the world is beginning to infuriate even in prosperous Paris.

Cultural codes

For example, in the States you need to be prepared for business meetings in T-shirts and jeans and “serious non-exclusive” romantic relationships.

Romantic relationships here are generally very contrary to Russian culture. Girls rarely put on makeup and dress up, guys rarely support financially: a friend had a funny incident when, after meeting in a cafe, out of habit, he began to pay the bill for both of them and faced very harsh accusations - the girl perceived his behavior as an attempt to humiliate her. Culture conflict.

You need to be prepared for difficulties, but the goal is worth it.

In general, in the USA, for example, there is very high competition: here the “best” and the luckiest win (sometimes luck is more important). But at the same time, it is important to understand that competition here is high not only for engineers, but also among them - mediocre specialists often end up working at Uber. However, even in this situation, America pleases with a high standard of living and salaries.

History of obtaining asylum in the USA for Kazakhstanis

The central element of the case for political asylum in the United States is the history of persecution and persecution. In it, the petitioner reveals his legal problem from beginning to end.

The story should have a clear structure:

  • Start,
  • narration,
  • climax
  • conclusion.

The result should be an honest story about why you cannot return to your home country, where your life and freedom are threatened. It is difficult to construct a competent story, supported by the necessary evidence. Immigration assists Kazakhstanis in preparing their history for obtaining political asylum in the United States. We use human rights activists, immigration lawyers, editors and psychologists to craft a story that will convince the immigration officer to approve your application the first time.

Where can I find evidence to obtain political asylum?

Every fact stated in history must be supported by evidence. They may be:

  • party or membership card of the opposition, public organization;
  • various protocols, resolutions, extracts from municipal institutions, documents of detention;
  • certificates from hospitals and forensic medical examinations;
  • any photo and video materials from the media, online publications;
  • witness statements;
  • correspondence by mail and transcripts of telephone conversations.

Evidence can be anything that shows your civil rights and liberties were violated because you belong to a particular political opinion or social group.

The story should be succinct and truthful, without fluff or excessive emotionality. Immigration and Citizenship Services has security officers who specialize in checking data on geopolitical situations in different countries. False and unreliable information about the situation in Kazakhstan will lead to denial of asylum.

For support, you can contact international organizations, for example, Human Rights Watch. If they have data about your harassment in their database, then the case will look strong and convincing. Data about the fate of your party members, colleagues, and like-minded people can help you. They could be subjected to cruel measures, detentions, and bodily harm. Emphasize that your life would have faced the same consequences if you had remained in your home country.

Obtaining a Green Card

The question of how to get a green card is studied annually by thousands of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are two options to apply:

  1. On one's own.
  2. Through intermediaries.

In the second case, if fortune smiles on the applicant, the assistants will have to be thanked by paying them a certain amount. The chances of the first and second are the same. That is, they can only help you in collecting and preparing documents; otherwise, intermediaries are powerless, since they are not the ones who make the decision.

Applications can be submitted until November 3. It is advisable not to delay until the last day. This may reduce your chances of success. All that is required of those who want to travel to America is to go to the official website of the US State Department, open the application form and fill out all its fields correctly. In order to do this, you need the following:

  1. Proficiency in a graphics editor.
  2. Knowledge of the basics of the English language (linguistically, the document is quite easy to understand).

You should only go to intermediaries for help when you find that you cannot fill out or send the form on your own. Officially, the procedure does not require any material investments from applicants. You will need money, and not a small one, only if you win.

Second page of the Green Card application form

If you are interested in a Green Card, it is available for Kazakhstan, since the number of migrants from the country annually does not exceed 50,000 people. This is the rule for states whose citizens seek permission to enter the United States of America.

How do I file with USCIS?

To draw up a strong case for asylum in the United States, an applicant from Kazakhstan, like everyone else, needs:

  • complete Form I-589 (Application for Asylum);
  • write a story about persecution and persecution;
  • provide evidence, link it to history and interviews;
  • submit a brief report on the situation in your home country;
  • draw up witness statements (copies of the witnesses’ passports are required);
  • prepare for an interview with an immigration officer;
  • Submit in a separate file all additional materials that confirm the impossibility of returning to your homeland.

You can submit documents to the Immigration and Citizenship Service if you are in the United States. It doesn’t matter whether it’s legal or not. They can be sent by courier or taken personally to any branch.

Today I don’t see a huge difference between Kazakhstan and the USA

Today I don’t see a huge difference between Kazakhstan and the USA.
Kazakhstan has developed over the past few years. What's most noticeable is how much Kazakhstan's youth have contributed to this growth, and that's great.

I advise people who are planning or have already moved to America to learn the language, build their credit history and not live on credit.

Also, don't be afraid to work hard.
America is the land of opportunity. Believe in yourself and you will achieve all your goals. About the activity My friend told me about a coffee shop in the center of Manhattan that needed a barista.
Thanks to this, I got my first job in America. It was difficult at first. But after I completely learned the menu, I began to understand the clients better, and began to cope with the job perfectly.

Even if you don’t like the work you are doing now, you need to perceive it as a stepping stone that will lead to a new level.

It was through this experience that I learned to give 101% to my work. It doesn't matter whether I like her or not. As long as I work there, I will be the best.

Necessary skills for employment: language, hard work, sense of responsibility.

There are no irreplaceable workers.

If you want to succeed in any business, you must prove that you deserve this or that position.

Show how you differ from others and what the employer will gain when hiring you. Don't be afraid to express yourself.

Americans love to work and highlight qualities such as hard work and dedication to their work.

Therefore, if a person does not have professional ambitions, it will be difficult to survive in large American cities like New York and Los Angeles.

Immigration to the USA from Kazakhstan with the help of the Consul Information Center

Experts from the Consul Information Center have won hundreds of cases for political asylum in the United States, in which the applicants were citizens of Kazakhstan. We will help you competently draw up a case so that the immigration officer approves your application the first time without taking the case to court. When creating a package of documents, we:

  • We study the situation in the country in detail, present it in the context of your legal problem;
  • we invite human rights activists and public figures from Kazakhstan, immigration lawyers, linguists, translators;
  • We dive into your biography, write your story in such a way as to evoke the necessary emotions and conclusions in the immigration officer.

The immigration office will help you safely move from Kazakhstan to the United States and naturalize at your new place of residence as quickly as possible.

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