Economic situation in the country today

Indonesia is a country with a steadily developing economy. The country's GDP growth rate has been exceeding 5% for several years now. The island of Bali occupies one of the leading places in terms of living standards among all 34 provinces.

There is work in Indonesia for citizens of other countries. True, the vast majority of vacancies are limited to branches of foreign companies. The population of the country exceeds 228 million people. Therefore, the unemployment situation here is tense.

Work in Indonesia for Russians: where to start finding employment

In addition to the wide audience of foreign tourists, there is a separate category of Indonesia lovers - they strive to find a permanent job in this resort country in order to be able to relax practically at their workplace.

Indonesia is a country with wide ethnic and cultural diversity, so foreign migrants can feel comfortable there and speak only English. Additionally, it is desirable to know the official Indonesian language, but it can be learned later, during the work process.

Geographical location, climate characteristics and other objective factors became the reason for the development of two main directions of the economy - agriculture and tourism. But highly qualified professions are still the most in demand and highly paid in this country.

On video: Moving to Indonesia at 45

One of the problems inherent in most Asian countries, including Indonesia, is the huge disparity between the rich and the poor. This is manifested, among other things, in the significant difference between the standard of living in large administrative and tourist cities. For this reason, it is necessary to think in advance about the direction of interest to the future migrant and study the demand and level of payment of certain specialists. Thus, Russian migrants specializing in the tourism sector can choose Bali for themselves - this island has established itself as one of the most popular resorts in the world.

Professionals in the service sector, guides and tour guides, coaches and instructors in various sports and other specialists in demand in tourism can find a huge variety of specialties in their profile. You will be successful in finding a job in the capital Jakarta and some other major cities in the country, including Surabaya and Bandung. The province of Papua and the island of Kalimantan are considered the most economically and socially developed regions in which it is more likely to find decent work. Migrants who want to realize their potential in the mining, oil and gas industries should start their search in Papua.

On video: Working in Asia, practical tips and pitfalls

One of the difficulties faced by future migrant workers in Indonesia is the restrictions imposed by law in relation to the hiring of foreign employees. So, in order to employ a citizen of another country, the employer must pay a separate tax. Therefore, in order to get a prestigious and highly paid position, a Russian migrant needs to be a good specialist in his field.

Remote work and freelancing

Remote work means working without constant presence in the office or organization. It just so happens that for Russian tourists the island of Bali is associated with working on the Internet or passive sources of income. For example, if you have good income from remote work or from renting an apartment in Moscow, then you can live in Bali for months, or even years. There are different remote jobs: programmer, internet marketer, website administrator, personal assistant and others.

Freelancing allows you to fully enjoy life in another country, because you control your schedule, the amount of work and the deadlines for its delivery. Such work activity does not tie you to a specific place and does not require any additional documents.

You can work as a freelancer with the most common tourist visa. It is issued upon arrival and, if necessary, extended at the migration center. The disadvantage of this visa is short-term stay. But you can do things differently and apply for a social visa, which will give you the right to live in Bali for six months.

Work for Russians in Bali (Indonesia): vacancies and average salary in 2021

Recently, the Indonesian island of Bali has become extremely popular among our compatriots. Most often people come here for the purpose of an exotic holiday.

Employment of foreigners here is not yet so developed. However, there is work for Russians in Bali. And there are quite a few of our citizens on the island. And not only among holidaymakers wintering in coastal villas.

Some Russians work in Bali on a permanent basis.

Economic situation in the country today

Indonesia is a country with a steadily developing economy. The country's GDP growth rate has been exceeding 5% for several years now. The island of Bali occupies one of the leading places in terms of living standards among all 34 provinces.

There is work in Indonesia for citizens of other countries. True, the vast majority of vacancies are limited to branches of foreign companies. The population of the country exceeds 228 million people. Therefore, the unemployment situation here is tense.

Popular professions in Bali

The island of Bali itself is not that big by local standards. About 4 million people live here, a significant part of whom are employed in tourism, trade and agriculture. Industry on the island is poorly developed.

80% of the economy is related to foreign tourism. Therefore, it is very difficult for a foreigner to count on any other profession other than employment in the tourism sector.

The only exceptions are English teachers and freelancers working remotely.

Average salary in Bali in 2021

Since Bali is a fairly developed region of the country, the income level of the population here is higher than the national average.

If in general in Indonesia salaries are at the level of 3.5-4.5 million rupees ($250-350 per month), then the average salary in Bali is noticeably higher - about the same as in Jakarta ($300-350).

The income of foreigners permanently residing on the island is not taken into account. A significant part of them receive passive income abroad.

How to find a suitable job

You can search for vacancies in Bali for Russians on the following sites:


Some of the listed resources do not have an English version. Therefore, if you have problems with the Indonesian language, you will have to use the online translator Google Translate.

Types of employment for Russians in Bali

What kind of work can you do in Bali? As already mentioned, there is almost no industry here; 80% of budget revenues are provided by serving tourists.

However, the advantage is that many expats permanently live in Bali - citizens of other countries (mainly Australia) who have bought property here.

Therefore, you can try to find a job related to teaching or, for example, in the provision of any services. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about freelancing. With the ability to work remotely, living in Bali has many advantages.

Work without knowledge of the language

If a foreigner is going to come to Bali without speaking English, then he will have to forget about looking for vacancies. Given the local specifics, you can still do without knowledge of Indonesian.

But you must be able to speak English. There are Russian tourists and expats in Bali, but there are much fewer of them than in Thailand.

Therefore, without speaking the language, you can only work remotely on the island.


Remote work in Bali is the most suitable option for several reasons. Firstly, the labor market on the island is limited to the tourism sector. Finding a job here is harder than in Jakarta. Secondly, having the ability to fulfill orders or other work duties remotely, a person does not need to know the local language. Yes, you can do without English if it is not required in your work.

Looking for freelance jobs while already in Bali is very risky. It is much better to fly to the island, already having stable orders for several months. We must remember that Bali is a resort. With employment, not everything is as simple as it might seem.

Seasonal work

As throughout Southeast Asia, the high season here begins in late autumn and lasts until March. At this time of year, the number of rainy days decreases, and the number of foreign tourists coming for the winter, on the contrary, increases.

If a person has a good command of English, he may be able to work as a guide in Bali. It doesn't pay too much: around $400-500. But if there is no other choice, there is no choice.

Temporary job

Finding temporary work in Bali is almost always limited to the tourism and hospitality sectors. Using job sites, you can try to find a job as a surf instructor, guide, or even a chef. However, you need to understand that the level of earnings in Indonesia is low.


Among the vacancies that require permanent employment, foreigners are offered teaching, providing medical services, and working in the service sector.

Working as a doctor

It is almost impossible for a foreigner to get a job as a doctor or nurse in Bali. There are three private Siloam Hospital Group clinics on the island, serving both locals and tourists.

And they regularly have vacancies for doctors and junior medical personnel.

However, in addition to the English language requirement, there is one more condition: all these vacancies are exclusively for Indonesian citizens.


Foreigners very often work as teachers in Bali. Teachers of English and Chinese are in demand on the island (the Chinese now make up the bulk of tourists). You can also try to find a job as a teacher of music, programming, or some other subject in the school curriculum.


There are many restaurants serving European cuisine in Bali. If the applicant has experience as a chef, he can try to find a job by posting his resume on job sites. Moving to the island without an agreement on a vacancy is very risky. As you know, the labor market here is limited.


Unlike other Indonesian islands, there are quite a few foreign families living here. Many of them need a nanny in Bali. Usually local women are hired to do this. But some families prefer to hire compatriots or any other foreigners who speak English. This is explained by the fact that parents want their child to grow up in the language environment they need.

There is only one drawback to working as a nanny in Bali: the low salary. The rest can always be agreed upon. Many girls work in families only a few hours a day, sitting with the child during the day or evening.

Stages of legal employment

Obtaining a work permit in Indonesia has its own characteristics. Instead of this document, a foreigner can receive a so-called social visa - Social Buday. It is valid for up to 6 months. During this time, a foreigner can not only spend the winter in the tropics, but also find a job.

Features of a social visa

There are certain details you need to know before signing up for Social Buday.

  • The social visa is only issued outside Indonesia, at diplomatic missions or visa centers.
  • Once you receive Social Buday, you cannot leave Indonesia. Otherwise, the document will become invalid.
  • The cost of the visa is $45, for the first time it is issued for 2 months, monthly extension costs $25. The maximum validity period is six months.

You can register for Social Buday not only in Moscow or Kyiv, but also in the capital of any country, with the exception of Indonesia. For example, in neighboring Thailand.

Required documents

To obtain a social visa, a citizen must prepare a package of papers:

  • a foreign passport whose remaining validity exceeds 8 months;
  • two photographs 35 by 45 mm;
  • sponsorship letter or employment contract (if available);
  • air tickets to Denpasar or Jakarta (round trip);
  • bank account statement.
  • international medical insurance;
  • certificate of absence of dangerous infectious diseases.

If you do not have a sponsorship letter, you can obtain one by contacting the hotel administration where the foreigner plans to stay. If the period of stay exceeds a couple of weeks, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse.

Obtaining a work visa

A work visa is issued on the basis of a valid employment contract and an education diploma. The document is valid for 12 months. If the visa is issued again, it can be issued for 3 years.

Is it possible to extend a work visa?

Extension of a work visa is not permitted. It is necessary to issue a new permit or KITAS (a simplified analogue of a residence permit).

Consequences of illegal employment

Working illegally on an expired or tourist visa will result in a fine and subsequent deportation. In addition, the violator will be banned from entering Indonesia for up to 5 years.

How to open your own business

Starting a business in Bali is very difficult for Russians. Indonesia is a fairly corrupt country, and the legislation here is not favorable to foreign investment. Regardless of the form of ownership, the nominee director of the company must be a local resident. Sometimes this leads to the fact that the new “manager” simply takes the business away from the real owners.

Relative security of investments is ensured only for large capital. Small businesses in Bali and Indonesia in general are at risk.

Features of internship in the country

Getting an internship at a local company is problematic due to the lack of development of such cooperation. A foreigner may try to find a position in a branch of a Western company.

Another option is to participate in volunteer programs. English teachers are in high demand in Indonesia.

If a foreigner is willing to teach locals in exchange for accommodation and a small compensation, he can certainly get a long-term visa.

Well-deserved retirement in Bali

Indonesian authorities are interested in rich foreigners living in Bali. And since the island is very popular, a special program for issuing “retirement visas” was created.

According to it, foreign citizens who have reached the age of 55 can obtain the right of permanent residence in Indonesia if two conditions are met:

  • having a permanent passive income of at least $100 per day.
  • signing a rental agreement for a house (apartment) in Indonesia for a period of 12 months.

To confirm financial solvency, the pensioner will have to provide a bank statement.

Reviews from migrants

Anatoly, 28 years old: “I worked for one season as a diving instructor in Bali. The salary is normal, but the season lasts only six months. Then the summer monsoons begin and there are much fewer tourists.

Bali is a very beautiful and safe place. There are a lot of foreigners living here, mostly Australians. There are also Russians, usually tourists.

I don’t recommend flying here to work without knowing spoken English.”

Inna, 31 years old: “I am a makeup artist by profession. I hoped to find a job in Bali so that I could pay for rent and other expenses. I received a social visa without difficulty, but it turned out that work here is not so simple.

Jobs are offered mainly to Indonesians. If there are no suitable specialists among them, then you can hire foreigners. I lived in Bali for 4 months and flew to Thailand.

Everything is much easier with work there, and there are more Russian-speaking people living there.”

Source: //

Advantages and disadvantages of working in Indonesia


  1. Convenient visa policy;
  2. Stunning nature;
  3. Cheap transport rental;
  4. A large number of tourist attractions;
  5. A huge number of attractions;
  6. Friendly local people;
  7. Wide choice of accommodation;
  8. A civilized contingent of Russian tourists.


  • Traffic and driving style;
  • Rain season;
  • Lack of public transport;
  • High level of corruption;
  • Slow Internet connection;
  • Lack of sidewalks;
  • Cataclysms.

Jobs in Bali Indonesia

The island of Bali has long been associated by many travelers with a paradise where you can enjoy the clear, clean sea, spacious beaches and tropical landscapes. Therefore, it is not surprising that many decide to return here again. But not for a couple of weeks, but for several years.

Islands and bays of Indonesia

Schools, colleges and universities

Many foreigners work as teachers in Indonesia, teaching English to the local population. Of course, employers first of all want to hire native speakers for such work. However, teachers from Russia also have a chance to find such work, especially in the capital Jakarta. As you know, social life in Indonesia is concentrated in this city.

University building in Indonesia

To work as a teacher you will definitely need:

  • Certificates confirming English proficiency - TOEIC or TOEFL;
  • Letters of recommendation;
  • Diploma of Higher Education.

Salary and freelancing

The desire to “live on one salary” certainly cannot be called positive when it comes to Indonesia. Local residents earn about 200 US dollars per month here. For foreign specialists the situation is slightly better; earnings range from $500 to $1,000.

This is probably why life in Bali for Russians is often associated with freelancing or passive income. If you have a good job on the Internet or just rent an apartment in Moscow, you can live on the islands of Indonesia for years without worrying about finding an employer. In addition, remote work allows you to fully relax from the bustle of the city, as well as enjoy the sea and tropical nature.

Detailed map of Indonesia showing all islands

A tourist visa is perfect for a freelancer. Russian citizens can apply for it upon arrival, but Ukrainians and Belarusians need to contact the embassy in advance. A tourist visa costs $25 and gives you the right to live anywhere in Indonesia for a month.

Of course, for longsteers this is too short a period. So after 30 days, they go to the local immigration office and extend their visa for another month - for the same $25. According to local rules, such extensions can be made four times in a row. In total, it turns out that life in Bali for 5 months is guaranteed.

And if you want to continue your vacation on the paradise islands further, you can fly using a visaran to the nearest countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos or Cambodia.

Advantages of a social visa

Of course, not everyone can immediately find a job on the Internet. Moreover, immediately coming to Indonesia and starting work is far from the best option. Ideally, you need some time to get used to the new environment, visit different islands and just relax a little.

That is why the so-called Social Budaya, or social visa, is ideal for many travelers. It allows you to live on the Indonesian islands from two months to six months. During this time, you can acclimatize and, without rushing, find a suitable job in Indonesia.

The social visa has a number of characteristic features:

  • In Indonesia itself it is not issued.
    You need to contact embassies located in other countries. Both the Indonesian Embassy in Moscow and representative offices in the Asian region, for example, Singapore or Thailand, are perfect; This is what an Indonesian social visa looks like
  • This type of visa requires permanent residence in Indonesia for the entire duration of its validity. If you fly to another country, the social visa will immediately lose its validity upon crossing the border;
  • From a formal point of view, a social visa “works” only for two months. In the future, it must be renewed - every new month for $25. Since a total of four extensions are allowed, the result is six months of living in Bali and other paradise islands;
  • To apply for a visa at the embassy, ​​you must pay a fee of 45 US dollars. Unfortunately, cashless payments are not possible: embassies only accept cash.

If you decide to apply for a social visa, you will need to obtain the following documents:

  • A foreign passport, which must be valid for at least another six months;
  • Sponsorship letter. It must be sent to you by an Indonesian citizen. You can obtain this document from the hotel where you are booking a room.
    Sample sponsorship letter in Indonesia

    In addition, rental companies can also send it if you rent a motorcycle or car from them in advance. If you can’t find such a “sponsor”, special ones will always come to the rescue for a small reward - from 40 to 200 dollars. Sponsorship letter template: in Russian (download), in English (download);

  • Two forms that are filled out directly at the embassy. In Moscow everything is very simple, since all questions and answers are in Russian. If you are applying for an Indonesian visa somewhere in Singapore or Thailand, you will have to write in English. So it’s better to take with you a mobile device with some kind of translator application;
  • Two color photographs measuring 3 x 4.

If you apply for a visa not in Moscow, but in the countries of Southeast Asia, then you may be required to buy round-trip tickets. Moreover, the date of the return ticket does not take into account possible extensions and arrives in two months.

Of course, in practice, you can extend your visa and not fly anywhere from Indonesia, however, you will still have to present a ticket.

In addition, in Asian countries they may ask for a bank statement.

According to the rules, you must have $100 available for one day of rest.

And if in the case of tickets the formal deadline of two months complicates the situation, then upon presentation of an extract, on the contrary, it simplifies it. Because you need to calculate savings based on only two months, and not six months.

Work permits

Despite the fact that illegal work is prohibited in Indonesia, many tourists work here as nannies, tutors or tour guides. Illegal side jobs are good only on a small scale. If you start a serious permanent activity, you should definitely take care of a work visa.

In Indonesia's visa regime, the concept of KITAS plays an important role.

This mysterious abbreviation translates into Russian roughly as “temporary residence permit.”

temporary residence permit in Indonesia

KITAS has many subtypes, including a visa for employees under the index 312. To apply for it, you will need:

  • Make a photocopy of literally the entire passport: meticulous Indonesians need every page;
  • Translate your diploma and professional certificates into English;
  • Get insurance for one year from any insurance company;
  • Prepare 18 photographs on a red background. Six of them should be 2 x 3. Another six photos should be 3 x 4. And finally, the last six photos should be 4 x 6.

Your employer will prepare a separate package of documents, after which all official papers will be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for review.

When applying for a work visa, you should take into account the following costs:

  • 1200 US dollars for the visa itself;
  • About $115 for permission to fly repeatedly from Indonesia to other countries (for six months);
  • About $150 for the same permit for a year.

Stages of legal employment

Obtaining a work permit in Indonesia has its own characteristics. Instead of this document, a foreigner can receive a so-called social visa - Social Buday. It is valid for up to 6 months. During this time, a foreigner can not only spend the winter in the tropics, but also find a job.

Features of a social visa

There are certain details you need to know before signing up for Social Buday.

  • The social visa is only issued outside Indonesia, at diplomatic missions or visa centers.
  • Once you receive Social Buday, you cannot leave Indonesia. Otherwise, the document will become invalid.
  • The cost of the visa is $45, for the first time it is issued for 2 months, monthly extension costs $25. The maximum validity period is six months.

You can register for Social Buday not only in Moscow or Kyiv, but also in the capital of any country, with the exception of Indonesia. For example, in neighboring Thailand.

Required documents

To obtain a social visa, a citizen must prepare a package of papers:

  • a foreign passport whose remaining validity exceeds 8 months;
  • two photographs 35 by 45 mm;
  • sponsorship letter or employment contract (if available);
  • air tickets to Denpasar or Jakarta (round trip);
  • bank account statement.
  • international medical insurance;
  • certificate of absence of dangerous infectious diseases.

If you do not have a sponsorship letter, you can obtain one by contacting the hotel administration where the foreigner plans to stay. If the period of stay exceeds a couple of weeks, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse.

Obtaining a work visa

A work visa is issued on the basis of a valid employment contract and an education diploma. The document is valid for 12 months. If the visa is issued again, it can be issued for 3 years.

Work visa extension

A work visa is issued for 1 year. To renew it, you need to go to the immigration department in Jakarta. Here the question of how long the employee should get a new visa will be decided.

  • passport;
  • copies of all statutory documents;
  • DPKK payment receipt;
  • copy of work permit.

Documents must be submitted 2 months before the visa expiration date.

Selection criteria for candidates

When applying for a job in Bali, employers first look at what a potential candidate can do.

  • speaks foreign languages ​​at a conversational level;
  • has higher education;
  • never been convicted;
  • learns quickly and integrates into the team.

Documents and work visa for employment in Indonesia

In matters of labor migration, Indonesia is practically no different from most other countries in the world. The main requirements that allow Russian citizens to officially find employment in this country are obtaining a special work permit and obtaining a work visa. Exceptions are possible, but they are available only to certain categories of foreigners who are of particular value to the economy, scientific or social sphere of the state. To find out which of the potential foreign employees will be able to take advantage of such benefits, you need to turn to international and national legislation.

The future employer must take responsibility for obtaining a work permit. The local bureau of the Ministry of Human Resources is dealing with this issue: the employing company needs to submit a special petition, which provides detailed information about the applicant, his level of education and work experience, which is supported by relevant documents. In the same appeal, the future employer argues why the vacated position should be filled by a foreign specialist. Often, before concluding a contract, a company hiring a migrant should advertise an open vacancy on special resources, and only if a citizen of the country cannot be found for it, can a foreigner be hired. In the same petition, the applicant provides basic information about future working conditions and salary levels, and, if necessary, some other information. The standard period for which a work permit is issued is one year, after which an extension is required . Some of the most valuable specialists can obtain a permit for a period of 3–5 years.

On video: Business in Bali

Once permission is received, the foreigner can apply for a work visa. To do this, he should personally contact the Indonesian embassy or consulate in his country, filling out a visa application form and providing the necessary list of documents. You first need to find out what documents will be needed in a particular case by contacting the website of the official representative office of Indonesia in Russia, but the visa application itself, accompanied by a package of documents, is submitted directly to the embassy branch at the address: st. Novokuznetskaya, 12.

Standard rules for obtaining a work visa to Indonesia require the mandatory payment of a visa fee of 2 thousand dollars and the submission of a certain list of documents:

  • internal passport and its copy;
  • confirmation of payment of the visa fee;
  • medical certificate, in some cases – insurance;
  • if necessary, a document on education and work experience;
  • if required, confirmation of a certain financial situation, which may require a bank statement on the applicant’s account status.

A work visa is granted for a year, after which it can be extended; for this purpose, the applicant will need to return to his homeland and resubmit documents to the embassy or consulate.

On video: How to move to Bali, advantages and disadvantages of living in Bali

KITAS work visa

Those Russians who have lived in Bali for some time are convinced that local residents are quite jealous of the fact that one of the foreigners may be more competitive in employment.

If a migrant is engaged in any craft or business illegally, the police will certainly find out about this as soon as possible. The authorities usually have a short conversation with illegal immigrants - deportation and a ban on entry for five years, or a fine of $2,000 or more.

Practice shows that only freelancers can work in Bali without official registration and feel relatively calm, although the Internet speed on the island leaves much to be desired.

All other foreigners who intend to stay in the country for a long time and work at the same time will need a KITAS work visa. You can get a work visa in Bali only if you have a specific employer who confirms that they employ a foreigner.

A special feature of the KITAS visa is the ability to engage only in the type of activity specified in the document; any other work will be considered illegal. Changing employers during employment on such a visa is also not provided.

How to find work in the country

To find available vacancies in Bali, many of our compatriots come to Indonesia with a tourist visa. This document does not give the right to work, but allows you to evaluate offers and your own capabilities. Having stayed here for a certain period and assessed life in Bali on your own, it is easier to get a suitable job.

Other methods involve remote searches for a suitable location.

Recruiting agencies

Work in Indonesia for Russians is offered by numerous companies specializing in this market. This circumstance is due to the large number of vacationers from our country. Firms engaged in the tourism service sector need qualified Russian-speaking specialists, therefore, by contacting a recruiting agency, it is quite possible to find a suitable place.

Internet sites

Another option to find out who you can work in Bali is to use online resources that offer a list of available vacancies. Of the most famous, it is worth noting:


On these websites, international and foreign companies post information about the availability of vacancies.


Other ways to find a suitable vacancy are to turn to Indonesian periodicals that publish relevant advertisements, social sites, or use the recommendations of friends who have similar information.

Opening your own business

One of the main conditions for Russians to open their own business in Bali is that the partner must be a Balinese. Only in this case will local authorities approve this opening.

However, this is not so easy to do, since not every native speaks English. Finding a good accountant in Bali is also not easy.

In addition, there are a number of requirements established by the Indonesian investment law:

  • The investment plan itself must be designed for more than 10 billion rupees (about 800 thousand US dollars).
  • Minimum - a quarter of the investment plan must be paid in as capital.

If you are going to create a limited liability organization, then you must indicate that the planned income is equal to an amount exceeding four times the investment itself. This will amount to more than 40 billion rupees in the first year, which is not possible for most companies on this island.

Work in Bali for Russians in 2021: vacancies and visas

Working in Bali means good income and good rest. Therefore, some people are trying to gain a foothold here forever. To do this, they look for work in local companies or work remotely.

Economic situation

In the ranking of world economic development by GDP level, Bali took 52nd place in 2021. The island's unemployment rate is 8.7%. And the average salary is 8,000,000 Indonesian rupees (36,000 rubles).

There are several types of taxes in the country:

  • income;
  • VAT;
  • on land and buildings;
  • on vehicles.

The advantages of working in Bali:

  • possibility of legal employment;
  • opening bank accounts in the country;
  • discounts on medical care.

But there is also a significant drawback - low earnings compared to housing rental prices.

Competition for working with the local population is quite fierce. To withstand it, a person is required to have truly useful skills and abilities. Workers from Russia and Ukraine are most in demand in the tourism industry.

Professions in demand

The most in-demand professions in 2021 in Bali are in the following industries:

  • automotive industry;
  • tourism;
  • banking sector;
  • logistics;
  • advertising;
  • information Technology.

Some of the highest paid professions are those related to the restaurant and tourism business, since Bali is an island with a large number of vacationers.

Prices on the island are not the highest, and the beauty and ocean are very attractive to tourists.

Popular vacancies in 2021 in Bali are:

  • surf instructors;
  • animators at surf camps;
  • hotel administrator;
  • screenwriters;
  • workers on strawberry farms;
  • guides;
  • doctors.

Salary level

According to statistics, the average salary in Bali is $600 excluding taxes.

ProfessionSalary in foreign currencySalary in rubles
Cook$65046,000 rubles
Administrator at the hotel1000 dollars60,000 rubles
Doctor700 dollars42,000 rubles
Surf instructor900 dollars54,000 rubles
Yoga instructor$55033,000 rubles
English teacher1100 dollars66,000 rubles
Diving instructor800 dollars49,000 rubles

Search for vacancies without intermediaries

People look for work in Bali in different ways. For example, they use special websites to solve a problem and send their resumes to companies they like. Or people try to find a job through friends who already live on the island.

Popular job search sites

The following sites are available for job search:

Specialized agencies

You can speed up the job search process by contacting special agencies. In this case, everything will be much faster, because the employees themselves are interested in employing the citizen. The best agency is considered to be the British recruiting company JAC Recruitment -

Types of employment

In most cases, no specific skills are required from the applicant. All that matters is good learning ability. But even with temporary and seasonal work you can make good money.

Other vacancies

In addition to the options listed above, people come to Bali to work on a rotational basis for various vacancies. Contract work is also available. It is concluded for a certain period (most often – 1 year or more).

Freelancing is also common among Russian-speaking tourists on the island.

Official employment procedure

There are high fines for illegal work in Bali. Therefore, people begin to look for official employment opportunities. To do this, you need to obtain a Temporary Work Permit.

Sequence of actions

For residents of Russia and the CIS, the company pre-issues a work permit. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The employer enters into a contract with the future employee.
  2. An employment contract is drawn up.
  3. The director of the company writes a cover letter about the employee, in which he indicates the type of employment, responsibilities of the employee, etc.

Types of work permits

To legally work in Bali, you must apply for a KITAS Working Visa. The document looks like this:

The visa is issued for 1 year, its cost is $1,200. Previously, the visa was given to all future employees for 5 years.

Now this is only possible for two categories:

  • directors of companies that attract foreign capital;
  • specialized workers with professional education and work experience of 5 years.

Categories that do not require a work permit

The only people who do not need to obtain a work permit are freelancers. The remaining categories will have to fork out for KITAS.

List of main documents

A job candidate must collect the following documents:

  • 6 photographs each 2x3, 3x4 and 4x6 cm;
  • letterhead of the company he plans to work for;
  • letter of invitation signed by the manager and stamped;
  • photocopy of health insurance for a period of 1 year;
  • a copy of the ID of the company manager;
  • certificate from the legal department;
  • confirmation of residence permit called Telex;
  • a copy of the company's charter;
  • resume completed in English;
  • international passport.

Applying for a work visa

You can apply for KITAS at any Indonesian embassy. The main basis for its execution is a letter of guarantee from the company that invites the candidate to work. It indicates his data and the legal basis for the work of the company, as well as a signature with a seal from the manager. It can be personally completed by the direct employer himself.

Selection criteria for candidates

When applying for a job in Bali, employers first look at what a potential candidate can do.

It will be a big advantage if he:

  • speaks foreign languages ​​at a conversational level;
  • has higher education;
  • never been convicted;
  • learns quickly and integrates into the team.

Work visa extension

A work visa is issued for 1 year. To renew it, you need to go to the immigration department in Jakarta. Here the question of how long the employee should get a new visa will be decided.

The following documents are required:

  • passport;
  • copies of all statutory documents;
  • DPKK payment receipt;
  • copy of work permit.

Documents must be submitted 2 months before the visa expiration date.

Business immigration

Such immigration is possible if a person plans to open his own business. To do this, you need to perform several basic steps:

  1. Select a nominee director from local residents. There is no other way, this is the law of Bali.
  2. Select company type. Among them are CV (similar to a small business in Russia), PT (a license for several types of business appears), РМА (suitable for large companies).
  3. Rent an office with IBM. But in this case you will have to pay for the year at once.

The cost of registering a business starts from $2,000.

Features of internship in the country

In most cases, many companies provide accommodation for interns.

  • Volunteering. Help is needed both for nature and animals, as well as for the elderly and orphans. You can go to Bali for an internship, for example, from the UN Children's Fund or participate in the Hope charity project.
  • Biology . Internships in the field of biology and ecology usually take place in volunteer companies, scientific institutes and national parks.
  • Healthcare. There is an acute problem in Bali of a shortage of highly qualified doctors. For example, here there are only 3 medical workers per 10,000 people.

Consequences for trying to get a job illegally

Most foreigners, despite the bans, work in Bali illegally. For unknown reasons, they are not afraid of possible problems.

But if caught by the migration service, the person faces a fine of several thousand dollars. Plus, he faces deportation. An entry ban for 2 years is also possible.

It can be difficult to find a job in Bali, but it is still possible to find a job. The main thing is to have several backup options and constantly be on the move in order to gain a foothold on this island for a long time.

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Taxation in Indonesia

The tax system in Indonesia is quite transparent and understandable. All taxes can be divided into 2 blocks: taxes collected by the central government and taxes collected by local governments.

The main group of taxes includes: PPh (Pajak Penghasilan) - income tax. For private individuals (PPh 21), income tax has a progressive scale. If your annual income is: – up to 50 million Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) – 5% – from 50 to 250 million IDR – 15% – from 250 to 500 million IDR – 25% – from 500 million IDR – 30%

Minimum salary in Indonesia

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Labor, the official minimum wage in Indonesia in 2021 ranges from 1,704,608 (Yogyakarta) to 4,276,349 (Jakarta) rupiah per month depending on the province, which is equivalent to 110 and 275 US dollars respectively. Compared to last year, the minimum wage in Indonesia increased by 8.51%.

The level of the minimum wage in Indonesia is regulated by Government Regulation No. 78/2015, which provides for annual increases in rates taking into account the rate of inflation and growth of gross domestic product. Based on these data, the governor of each province, in cooperation with the provincial wage boards, calculates the minimum wage rate.

Based on the Ministry of Labor Regulation No. 7 of 2013, provinces can determine their own minimum wage rates (UMSP) in the so-called flagship sectors and industries: public works, automotive manufacturing, tourism, telecommunications, retail, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and healthcare , finance and banking, textiles, chemicals, energy and mining, electronics and engineering.

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